Saturday, December 11, 2010

Talks like a programmer!

Geek! Nerd! Dork! Computer weeny! - I've been call them all. The last one was actually afraid I'd file a harassment complaint for the weeny part- but I'm bigger than that. I was just happy she noticed that I had one! Today's topics are Python and Sqlite, yes, I'm actually going to get real nerdy here!

First of all, I really don't believe in files anymore. Text files are alright, because they are the backbone of everything tech! XML: is a great way to pad your resume', as we joke! Tab Delimited Files are great, but not at all readable by humans. See, tabs are useless formatting, so they double as control devices for Next/Prior field in almost EVERYTHING! Type in some lines, separate them with tabs instead of Returns. Highlight, and copy them to the clipboard, now open a Spreadsheet, and Paste! See, what I mean? Go ahead, try it! Comma's do not automatically work this way. It's not just spreadsheets, you can do this with nearly any screen form from on any program (unless they suspend the clipboard).

My lost point here, was that I no longer believe in formatted data files, generated by programs. So what do I think should replace DOS, and the binary data file? SQL of coarse! Most all data is a table of information, so why not use ROW control with Fetches that never overflow your heap space? (x3 nerd points for mentioning the HEAP). Point is, that once data is captured or created, 99% of the time, it will want to be shared as well, so why not just start your application design with a little relational database design, and forget opening files and dumping data in, structure by structure.

The BEST TOOLs in the universe for this was MS Access, and Visual Basic. Until Microsoft lost it's mind and started justifying their degrees by adopting .NET, which ended intelligent programming as we knew it! And turned to hostile mean spirited users licensing, that nobody can understand. So now where do we turn? Well, most of us knew that Microsoft Servers are expensive CRAP, so we left for greener grass of FREE Open Source; Linux and BSD. Which meant the new power tools where PHP and MySQL. Then the Chinese and Russians started hacking everybody, so we needed a new LOCALIZED alternative; Ah, ah, Ah, ah, AH! Enter Sqlite! I understand that it's now included in the BASIC Python packages- but don't hold me to that, I think I had to make Ubuntu add those libraries one by one.

Now, I admit, while I've had Linux programming books piled up here for a decade, Ruby and Python really haven't grabbed my libido much. I like the simple; C and C++ with none of that extra What the F*** MFC or JAVA kind of overhead. I think it's harder to learn how to put your program inside of someone else's template, when you don't know why the template is the way it is? I call it justifying their degrees! If it takes me two years to learn this stuff, then that's two lost years, which needs to be calculated into the EXACTLY ONE project I'll ever use it on- and as a freelancer, I can't justify that. Which is exactly HOW I feel screwed by Microsoft! They stole my life with long learning curves, then stole my bone right out of my mouth, while exporting all my work. So, learning something new like Ruby or Python has not been on the top of my stack of pleasures for the last decade.

Both Ruby and Python, just seem too chic! Too CUTE, Too CLEAVER! Which instantly causes panic button to go down. While I have a friend that swears by Ruby on Rails, he also loved Pascal over C. (Told you this is a super nerd article, by someone in the biz for 30 years.) I'm not sold. I have better things to do with my time... Then we found out that Blender (3d) is written in Python, and another friend then started to play with it. Still, I've been resistant, not really willing to learn it, I can kick out everything I need in PHP in a second, why learn another?

Why learn another? Why, oh why? Because of hackers! Air GAP is the greatest security. But I still need most or all of my data in one place! Sqlite packs all the tables and indexes into one portable file- no server software needed. Finally a portable data port! Why Python at this point then? It where most of the tutorials are! Python is multi-platform, even to smart phones. Python is ready to use the GTK, which as well is Multi-platform! And Python is including support for Sqlite3, in the 2.6.x packages. It's like it all goes, everywhere you want to go! Besides having built in support for almost all networking exchange protocols (like FTP/HTTP/HXML/SMP...). It really is a utility knife, a chic one with Complex Numbers most of us will never use!

So, I byte off a huge chunk of gui to chew on! Sqlite, GTK, and Python. You know, I remember struggling so hard with the Windows API, which is almost humorous to this. But I've been around the block so many times, the GTK seems simple and ordinary. Sqlite seems simple and ordinary. The monster is Python learning curve. While it wants to be simple and readable they then turn around and do something like this:
>>> li = [elem*2 for elem in li]
I would like to know in what human language that is readable, without understanding Python? And that's just one example of Python not being quite as readable as what they promise it to be. It's just another Politician's Promise, and just as dependable. Like FORTRAN it can get way too cute with loop processing in an assignment or statement.

Anyway, that's what I'm chewing on these days. I'm now over my horror and culture shock to all this damn English humor, and contrite Mr Cheeky style; If you know what I mean? Know what I mean? I don't really want to relive my favorite TV moments unless there's some boobies involved! I just want to learn yet another language, for Christ's sake, as quickly as I can. So maybe, just maybe, I'll share my notes with you. (It helps me learn it faster.)

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Hey, look at that, someone who told THE SECRET, to making DVD movies play. That should be down in a miniature and a half, to make sure not too many learn the secret. (That's a joke-see! You will!)
The DVD movie secret.
Why should Windows have all the fun?

Here's a clue for you: It's not VLC movie player- which you should have anyway! It's the command line instructions, for a terminal Window, that you need to follow from this website.
If you are not connected to the Internet, you're screwed!
If you are, it's a cake walk; just copy and paste, until everything works. There was only one prompt that I recall in the scripts- everything was automated, and hands free, and a no brainer.
Simple, and unlike Windows, you don't need to reboot.

Toss a DVD in there, and get a play menu, rather than an out of date version error! I watched Bob Hope and Bing Crosby "Road to Utopia", flawlessly. Yeah, I'm a chump, I like Road Shows! I'm sure I could have downloaded it from, but in this case, it ran a commercially made DVD, in Linux. YAY!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


When you wonder off the trail, into looser land (Linux), you have to expect disappointments. The computer market is totally owned by Microsoft, and Apple, and fuck anything else, no matter how good and inexpensive it might be! Why, because I might have to use my brain for 2 and half seconds, and being as stupid as they come, that could lead to testicular cancer or something, so I'll play it safe, and smart, and go with the sameo, sameo, bullshit, that I almost kinda have a second cousin that can nearly fix, for just a beer and a slice of pizza. Besides, Linux is for nerds, and we all know what those smell like!

The pack of lies continues, and that's the disappointment. And GOD DAMN RIGHT, I'm taking it personal now- fuck you idiots for being idiots! Popularity does not make you right, only suckers! That's not right, I just want to play games. And just how many games are there for PC's that actually work anymore, other than solo card games, that are in Linux as well?

Today, Linux is for embedded systems, not for workstations. It's what your Telecom uses to control your Internet experience, or your webcam uses, or your smart phone uses- surely it's not for end users.

I'm not alone here with my misplaced belief, even IBM has been fooled a few times into thinking Linux is the alternative to Windows, because it's there, and it's working, fully developed, ready for some SERIOUS Apps like DB2 and a Smart-suite bundle. And time after time, IBM is told; "Thank you, it's a great money saving idea! But because of the training and implementation issue, we decided to stay with Windows." Which doesn't make any sense, really. It's an excuse about fear of having to think, when we're a country of morons.

I FIRED MICROSOFT FROM MY OFFICE IN 2001! And in the last 9 years, I've spent less than $400 total on PC's and SOFTWARE! That's $44 a year (both hardware and software), how have you done? And I'm not using the OLDEST ANYTHING, rather the NEWEST EVERYTHING (other than hardware)! Even then, my system is pretty green, only sucking down 90 watts of power. I'll bet your workstation is over 400 watts- unless it's a $1200 laptop.

What this really about? I'm trying to get my house in order. I feel like a failure, even though, I've saved tons of money. But that savings has not expanded into profits. And I'm done blaming myself for that, because I would have been just a bad off or worse, holding coarse, and not firing Microsoft. I need to get back to wrapping my head around PROJECT WORK- that's exactly where I went wrong, deciding it was easier to be a moron.

I had to use my blog, just to look back in time; I see here in the crystal penguin, that I've been using Ubuntu for just over a year. I see that there are several new versions available in the last year (at least 2). And my spirit for adventure would love an upgrade, and so would this blog to spur the writing spirit! HOWEVER, I'm just not in the mood to do a backup, and it's been that story for the last 6 months. Once your not reading my anyhow, what's the point in test driving Linuxs, anymore? I really haven't noticed a difference in operation, in at least 3 versions- so we're not missing much. I hope?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hello lost readers

I've basically given up on ever having any loyal readers of this blog. Frankly, it's my own fault! I started this to help you guys decide if Linux is a good choice for you or not? But it's getting harder and harder to make this pitch all the time. (Not that Linux isn't getting better all the time.)

I frankly do like what I see in the iPad. And once it's Apple, you know it will be supported, unlike a lot of Open Source! Open Source is fighting an uphill battle with royalties, and pattens, take overs, etc. that prevent development. I've become quite defeatist at being a rebel today. Anyway, iPads are moving in the right direction as far as price, which is a complete surprise to me. Now if Apple would just be developer friendly, I could see myself settling into an iPad, nicely. However, with a good built in browser, that might not be such an issue either? I just talk myself into buying one!

I started this note today, because I just found the built in radio servers that are in the VLC media player. I'm listening to German Radio, that was listed under 80's music. It's a bit different than American Radio, for sure. These are found under the 'playlist/Additional Service' menu, on the player window. Rock on, all!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

No Olympics for YOU!

It's been a while since I updated this blog, because there haven't been many pressing issue to talk about. Linux has grown up so much, it's almost equal to Windows.

Just when you thought you had become a part of the world again, Microsoft and NBC decide that you are not worthy to watch their videos on Linux boxes. Mac and PC need only apply: You ever get the feeling they're more than just friends, they're a couple?

One of the very last things I worry about anymore is multimedia and video, unless you want to make them for yourself. That's still a bit fubar. But EVERYTHING runs through the Flash player plug-in now. Unless, Microsoft has anything to do with it...

Only the Olympics have been made this exclusive, the rest of NBC & MSNBC & CNBC's shows use the regular old Flash player plugin. So, I don't understand at all? There is a 1,000x more hacking being done to Microsoft than us?

What has me ticked off here, is that Linux desktops are almost universally Intel or AMD, meaning they are PC!!! My computer has an Intel Adam processor. So why can't I have the fucking the plug-in?

This is not the way to heal old wounds!
Penguin Petting Zoo official position is: EAT SHIT NBC! EAT SHIT AND DIE!
Why, for being such stupid elitist non-tech savvy nincompoops. Why stop using what works on all platforms, suddenly now?
MUCH OF THE WORLD IS ON LINUX, and you lost them all, stupid shit mongers.
Fine, I'm not watching a single second of the Winter Olympics, not even on the Evening News!

Hello NBA, why not watch the All Star Game instead?