Friday, June 8, 2012


When I got a Ubuntu machine, the Upgrade Manager appeared with a check box, that upgraded the WHOLE operating system to the latest version. Something I was quite hesitant to do, once old versions of Linux use to take no prisoners, and repartition hard drives before installing (loosing all your data). Well, once I got BIG ASS EXTERNAL 2TB hard drive to make backups on, I got my nerve. I checked that box, and seamlessly it was done, and it became expected by the user. There was my fatal mistake, in trusting that check box to show time and again, for I haven't seen it again for at least 3 version releases.

NOW, Upgrade Manager is prompting me for the CD for the latest version to do installs. Which is not such a problem because I have downloaded the CD image, but the Upgrade Manager has chosen to “Ignore” it. Meaning- DO YOUR OWN UPGRADE BUCCEROO!

So with much fear and trembling, here we go again! I'm trapped into upgrades I really don't want to make, in order to own the newest and spiffiest versions of... I really don't know why I need to upgrade, other than to keep UPGRADE MANAGER working correctly? It's sad, but true!

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