Sunday, July 1, 2012

Unhappy upgrader

Well, I have to admit that I absolutely HATE Ubuntu (12.04)!!!  Which means I hate all up to date versions of Linux running Gnome, as of this moment.  WHAT THE FUCK?  When last we spoke, I was worried because I had fallen off the Upgrade Grid with a version that was now so obsolete, that client software was failing to upgrade correctly.  So, I took a deep breath, and upgraded the whole operating system from CD image (scratch).

This new one is suppose to be FASTER.  The question is FASTER than WHAT?  Not faster than what I had!!!

Second, they MOVED EVERYTHING!  Menus are now pulled off the open window and lodge themselves into a common place.  A hidden common place!  What kind of shit is that?  Then, the pop-down menu style launcher is no more.  Want some privacy?  Fuck that, it keeps track of the last 5 files you opened, like it or not, with no way to drop them from view in your explorer program.  Be careful about who's looking over your shoulder, and you last gawked at, even in passing.

Even though, I did an upgrade, none of my servers were upgraded.  Now, I'm not talking about remote machines on the network, I mean software servers like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Sqlite3.  It doesn't even have the LibreOffice Base installed (by default).  It's like; Data Servers, you don't need no stinking data servers!

I'm 52 years old, and my blood is boiling on this upgrade.  I'll get use to it, but it's SHIT!  Whoever at GNU is responsible for this Gnome, should be shot in his gentleman areas.

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